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Other Uses Of Coffee Grounds

Now that you have found the special "benefit" of brewed coffee, you will be surprised to discover that coffee grounds have other extraordinary uses aside from body scrub.

You may have missed the idea that it can be a fabric dye.  But there are more uses for used coffee grounds.  Check it here.

Deodorizer for food prep.  This happens when you are handling food with a strong smell that sticks to your hand.  Dry the coffee ground on a cookie sheet and then place them in a bowl in your fridge or freezer and then when you need to remove smells from your hands, rub the grounds on them.

Repel bugs.  Coffee grounds are great to repel ants, sprinkle old grounds around places where you do not want the ants, they are also said to help discourage snails and slugs.

Use to absorb odors.  Take some old nylons or cheesecloth to make a sachet filled with old coffee grounds, hang them in a closet to help absorb odors.

Shoo away cats.  Keep your own cats or the neighbors from using your garden as a litter box, spread a pungent mixture of orange peels and used coffee grounds around your plants and the cats will avoid it.

Hair color enhancer.  If you have darker colored hair, use coffee grounds as a way to enhance color, shine and softness.  While taking a shower, press the grounds against your hair and rub, then shampoo thoroughly to avoid smelling like coffee afterwards.

Source: Pinoy Lifestyle Peoples Journal

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