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Pale Nails

Fatigue, stress and heart problems can cause pale nails.

Healthy nails are pinkish. They become white when pressed but return to their original color when you release the pressure.

However, if your nails stay white for more than a minute or two, you may have anemia or low iron. Iron deficiency can lead to fatigue or, in serious cases, heart problems.  You have to alert your doctor about this.

To dodge a deficiency, fill up on iron rich food such as lean meats and nuts and foods with vitamin C, which aids iron absorption.

However, discolored nails also mean another health problem.  It can result from fungus and may even warn of diabetes.  It’s because the immune and vascular systems mostly of a diabetic person is impaired and bacteria and fungi flourish.

Try to swap processed foods for healthy carbs.  Applying tooth-whitening products can help.

Source: People's Journal 

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