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The Many Wonderful Uses Of Aspirin

CONTROL DANDRUFF.  If your dandruff problem is getting you down, keep it in check by crushing 2 aspirins into a fine powder and adding it to the normal amount of shampoo you usually use.  Leave the mixture on for 1 to 2 minutes, then rinse well and wash again with plain shampoo.

DRY UP PIMPLES.  Even those of us who passed adolescence can get the occasional pimples.  Put the kibosh on those annoying blemishes by crushing an aspirin and moistening it with a bit of water.   Apply the paste to the pimple and let it sit for a couple of minutes before washing it off with soap and water. The aspirin paste will reduce the redness and soothe the sting.  If the pimple persists, repeat the procedure as needed until the pimple is gone.

HELP CUT FLOWERS LAST LONGER.  It’s a tried and true way to keep roses and other cut flowers fresher longer; put a crushed aspiring in the water before adding your flowers.  Other household items that you can put in the water to extend the life of your flower arrangements include a multivitamin, a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, and a bicarbonate of soda.  Don’t forget to change your vase every few days.

USE AS GARDEN AID.   Aspirin is not only a first aid essential for you, but for your garden as well.  Some gardeners grind it up for use as a rooting agent or mix it with water to treat fungal conditions in the soil.  But be other damage to the greenery.  When treating soil, the typical dosage should be a half or a full aspirin tablet in a liter of water.

Source:  Readers Digest, Extraordinary uses for Ordinary things.

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