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Unusual Feelings

Whenever you fall in love, the feeling is so strong that you never thought someone could make you beam that much. But sooner or later that feeling changes to the opposite. After months or years together many experience moments when they feel sad, more than happy. 

There are many cases for why a person, who started making you feel happy and loved, does things that hurts your feelings and make you feel that you’ve been tricked or fooled. As much as you’re fighting for the relationship, hoping that things will change and turn out what you’ve hoped for, some realize that it’s just not going to happen. Even though many feel sad after the fight, some don’t take it too hard whenever the relationship is over for good. As a matter of fact, some hope to find a better person, who is better. But then again, some experience that the next person just might be worse that the first you had, and that after 2 bad relationships the next might be the one who is worse than any of the other past relationships.

Many learn from their past relationships and thinks, is there ever going to be a person, male or female, that stands out from the crowd  and makes you feel different than any other person ever  has? The answer just might turn out when you least expect it. When you feel you’ve had so many problems in the past relationships, and when you just wished you could stand strong and enjoy the benefits of being single, someone just might turn your feelings upside down. A person that makes you feel that what you’ve searched for is standing right in front of you. A person that makes you feel things you’ve never felt before, such as losing your appetite, sleeplessness etc. A person that suddenly makes you realize that some songs refers to your current feelings towards him or her. As much as this feeling seem hard to resist, due to the facts of what the person does to you, some may still feel insecure whether he or she is the one. However, a hug or a kiss will in the end make you realize that he or she will be all worth it and that you might have found the person who will be with you for the rest of your life.


  1. How do you define a perfect relationship? if there is one...

    How do you define the perfect feelings?

  2. A perfect relationship is based on 4 important words.
    1- love.
    2- trust.
    3- honesty.
    and 4-respect.

    When these 4 important words emerges in your relationship that's when you'll realize that the relationship is perfect. and don't worry it does exist. it just takes time to find it.

  3. No doubt, it's cool... Moreover... 5. Understanding 6. Care 7. Loyalty 8. Connection

  4. Exactly..!!

  5. 9. remember or repeat all low


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