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New Year 2013

We all admit that 2012 was an unexpected turn of events, We reflect on what happened the past year and we relive the memories we made. We made mistakes, took risks, fell in love, made memories all throughout 2012. This 2013, Our God brings in a brand new year, gives us another chance to make things right, to correct our mistakes, to make amends with our enemies, to make more memories, to change. We should be beyond grateful for the things and the people around us, that stayed by our sides, since every year we've been alive. Take this year, take 2013 as a chance to thank them. We make mistakes, It's normal. We learn from them. This year, stop hesitating and do what you gotta do. You're given that chance. Make a difference.

Here's to 2012, Here's to us, Cheers to 2013 and new beginnings everybody! 

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