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The Fault In Our Stars

Another one of John Green's wonderful books that I have learned to love with every flip of a page and reading his works make me feel like I'm somewhere else, like I'm in the book, but then again that happens to me in every good book I read.

The story is about a 16-year-old teenager girl named Hazel Grace and diagnosed with stage four thyroid cancers. She was forced by both of her parents to attend a support group that should help her and at one meeting she met the love of her life sitting right across her in that support group, his name? Augustus Waters. 

They meet each other and they talk, Hazel somehow persuaded Augustus into reading her all the time favorite book of Peter Van Houten "Imperial Affliction". And as soon as Augustus, reads the last page of the book, he immediately rings up Hazel and elaborates his thoughts on the book. As they started to hang out and go out more together, they start to learn more of each other and one of the things Gus learns about Hazel is that she wants to go meet Peter Van Houten, but sooner or later, Gus also finds out that Hazel used up her cancer wish.

(If you want to figure out what a cancer wish is, you got to go read it the book because it's good.) to go on a Disneyland trip, but then Gus hasn't used his up yet so ... figure it out. Gus used his cancer wish to go on a trip to Amsterdam to meet Van Houten as to make Hazel really happy and everything turns out differently at the end because Gus finds out that his cancer came back and that things were going to be harder for both. If you really want to get into the details of the book, I suggest you go grab a copy of it and get a mug of hot chocolate, sit down and read it.

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